Saturday, July 2, 2011


Today is July 2nd.  I've officially been home for 7 days.  Apologies to those I have yet to reach out to as this trip seems to be going in overdrive.  Day 0.5 started in Puerto Rico.  I headed to the airport around 11pm prepped for a 2am flight.  The plan?  To land just before 6am, get home, catch a second wind, head to church (hopefully with my whole family), and then make it home in time for some much needed relaxing and catch up with my immediate family.  Now, as soon as arrived at the airport, I knew something was wrong...any time there are masses of people huddled around an airline counter, there's trouble.  I hoped it wasn't my flight, but I just knew it was.  It was.  My 2am flight had been delayed until 4:15am.  It was about 11:30pm.  I had quite an evening of waiting and then, traveling ahead of me.  I breathed deep, took the $6 food voucher and scoured for food I could kinda maybe eat under my new doctor prescribed diet (see previous post for that story).

I won't lie.  The waiting sucked.  Then, upon finally walking into the plane that was sure to take me home to comfort and relaxation, I realize someone is in my coveted window seat.  See the science behind my love for the window seat is as follows:  It is my mini zone.  I have the window to use as my pseudo shoulder.  If I can't sleep the window seat allows me to stare and zone, perhaps write, perhaps listen to music, perhaps to just think.  That night, my plans for the window seat involved lots of sleeping so I could be refreshed and ready.  There had been murmurs of a possible family BBQ on my arrival day, and while I really hoped those rumors were false, I still wanted to be ready to face it with a genuinely positive attitude.  I was determined to not allow any ridiculous 2 hour delay to set a negative tone to a trip I've been looking forward to (and at times using to help keep me pushing forward while in PR) for months.  As I zoned in on my seat, I realized there was a body in it.  I checked my ticket, yep, the larger sized older gentleman, complete with a cane, was in my seat.  Now, many would say "Mish, I know you asked him to move right?" and I would respond "Nope.", followed by a sigh.  At the end of the day, I didn't have the heart to.  He looked like a sardine in the window seat, had I moved him to the seat he belonged in (the middle seat) it would have been even worse.  Plus, if he had been my grandpa, I would have wanted whatever young lady's seat he took to take the high road and let him have that.  Was I pissed?  Yes.  Was I torn and contemplated throwing a fit all in the name of  understandable crabbiness and irritability? Heck yeah.  Did I give him nervous tension for most of the trip? Yup...until I pulled the tray table down and forced myself to knock out in an inhumanely uncomfortable position...with a dress acting as my sweater/blanket over my head.  I forced myself to sleep until we were told to please raise our tray tables (or in my case - beds) and prepare for landing.  I had a decision to make: continue to be a pseudo-jerk or snap out of it.  I snapped out of it and offered the neighbors on either side of me a Mentos.  That opened the line of communication.  Mr. Old Man Who Took My Seat told me he was landing in Newark and then had an hour and a half ride ahead of him down to Camden, New Jersey... in a pretty small vehicle.  I'm glad I gave him my seat.

Not too bad for no sleep right? Big bro Danny happy to see lil sis!
The BBQ wasn't a vicious rumor.  It was true.  Very true.  So true that cousins I hadn't seen since before I left were even present.  I'd be lying to say I was looking forward to this event.  Really, who wants to see anyone, much less extended friends and family after a very uncomfortable night of traveling?!  But, I locked myself in the bathroom for a bit and gave myself a pep talk as I showered.  I put a little more makeup on than usual (to try to hide my tired and borderline annoyed eyes), and faced the music.  It was lovely.  Person after person I embraced and exchanged information with.  It was a bit surreal and at times I felt like I was floating on a cloud but had I been better rested I may have shed a tear with every person I spoke to...and that may have just been awkward.

Me n my "twin"
That was Day 0.5 into Day 1.  The next few days were full of my three lil munchkins...Jaden, Renee and Phia.  They (minus Phia) hit the road for Florida on Thursday so I was sure to get my dose of them while I could...when they return I'll be back in Puerto Rico...unsure of when I'll return.  It was also full of cousin love.  I really do miss and love them so much.

Cousin n munchkin love!
Now, here we are, at the weekend.  I'm in Harlem and loving the Aloft Hotel!  Thanks to my lovely cousin Jeanine for introducing me to this place.  My boyfriend and I are taking these next two days together to catch up and continue to navigate the very difficult task of a long distance relationship.  As I sit here and type, the DJ in the lobby bar is spinning an oldie but goodie featured in one of my favorite movies (Dirty Dancing), titled "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow".  A perfect song.  Love is hard.  Distance love is harder... and one never knows what tomorrow will bring.  But, until then, I'll concentrate on enjoying today...

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