Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Resignation Day

Now I'm a few days late with my latest but please forgive me...between the physical Yard Sale on Saturday and my entry into Craig's List land...well things have just been a bit hectic.

So, the BIG news?!  I DID it!  Friday, September 17th at 1pm, I, Michelle Ann Gonzalez RESIGNED!!  This is the second time in my life that I resigned.  The first time was out of anger.  An emotional reaction to the feeling of being an overworked and underpaid employee.  I wanted fair compensation and I wanted to feel like I was necessary to that operation.  I was also very young and full of pride.  Once my mind was made up, there was no turning back.  I never want to resign like that ever again...and I didn't.

This time, I had a light heart and a secure spirit.  I am already there although physically I am here.  No, its not a fantasy island nor a dream land.  In fact, I know this road will be tough.  I often try to imagine my departure.  Will I cry?  Will my family cry?  Will my heart beat a million times a minute?  What am I doing?!  and then I stop.  I stop trying to see the future and stay right where I am, taking it one day at a time.

Now, back to the resignation.  I walked in and I closed the door.  My boss said "Uh oh, whenever my door closes either someone is pregnant or leaving."  I said "Well, you're right I'm preg---" her eyes got really wide so I decided to quit being a clown and said "I'm leaving."  I went on to explain why and it went well, very well.  Everyone knows its time for me to move forward and while some are sad to see me go, they are also happy to hear what I am leaving for.  I will miss quite a few of those folks but it was definitely time to take the next step.  If I stayed any longer, I would have gotten so comfortable that I would have eventually ended up stuck or just plain miserable or both.  So, as of October 1st (the day before my birthday...very fitting I think!) I am a free woman!

What's the plan till my departure you say?!  Well remember those cute lil' children I've been referring to?  Better known as my brother's children or my 2 nieces and a nephew?  Yeah, those cutie patooties.  Well, seems that I will be spending quite a bit of time with them.  I am Super Nanny until December.  This is a triple win as I get to spend time serious quality time with the kids, I get to help my brother out and I get to do this in exchange for room and board (sweet!).  I'll also be busy, packing up, volunteering my time with a local high school, as well as volunteering as an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher to immigrant adults.  So, these next few months are proving to be pretty busy.

I am now smack in the middle of week one as a "free woman".  Stay tuned for a full report on this week's events!

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