Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Adventures in Babysitting - Part I

Mmmm Phia so hungry
Alright gotta make this quick...Ms. 'Phia fell asleep during our daily walk so she's out for the count for who knows how long so I thought I'd take this opportunity to kick up my feet for a few minutes and update this blog o mine!

Trip to the fish section doesn't go over well
So, its been a week and a half since I started my new position as interim Super Nanny for the Youngzalez' clan...and my humble opinion, the corporate world has NOTHING on stay at home moms!  It is hard physically and mentally.  I mean you're trying to keep them engaged while instilling rules and regulations all while still trying to have fun!  Never mind that these children need to eat like 3 times a day...and you have to respect their eating pace (you know not everyone inhales their food like I do), so you could literally be sitting in the kitchen for over an hour just eating a waffle...or three if you're Ms. 'Phia!  

So here's the deal: Phia wakes up around 8 or 8:30am and I'm alone with her usually all day (while the other two are in school) until about 3:30p.  During that time she is fed, then we go for a nice walk, then she is put down for a nap, then fed again, then if we have time, another walk and by that time her big bro is home.  So, Mr. I'm-7-and-Loving-It comes home and he's looking for a snack.  Then, its homework time.  Luckily, I get a solid hour usually before little Ms. Know-It-All aka Bag Full of Faces aka Renee comes home...then its time to start dinner.  Dinner comprises of keeping food together and separated (as some of them are food mixing machines, like their aunt, and others are separate but equal with Monk like qualities about their dining preference), keeping it just the right know, not too hot ("Titi I can't eat this its too hoooooooooooooooot!") and not too cold ("Uh, Titi can you put this in the oven again please?") oh and let's not forget to serve the correct beverages ( Read in a squeaky half whiney know-it-all kinda style: "Titi! 'Phia doesn't like milk.  Titi, Papi says we can't have orange juice with dinner.")!  By dinner time, one parent is usually home and trying to keep Ms. 'Phia happy as she just loves to act like I am that weirdo stranger with a weirdo van who's trying to talk to her as soon as one of her folks walks in.  So, they handle her and I handle the other two for dessert.  Dessert is done and the second parent has usually shown up or I just have to run to an extra curricular engagement so I am finally off duty.  If you're tired after reading this, imagine living it LOL.  At the end of week one, I kid you not, I was dead to the world at 8pm on a FRIDAY!

A good game of Scrabble goes a long way
At the end of the day, though,  I am feeling closer and more in tune with this Youngzalez clan than ever before.  Its an awesome crash course on the demands and rewards of parenting and I honestly am so happy that I have been given this opportunity.  I have a whole new respect for my Mr. & Mrs. Youngzalez as they are still functioning young professionals and great parents who really do not get a break!  Hats off to you two for real!  Oh no...I hear fussing...I think it's lunch time...till next tim


  1. WOW! I was tired just reading this post. You were right! Parenting is some pretty tough stuff, so I've heard. We have so much to look forward to Misha...LOL!!

  2. Hi Titi!!! I can relate to EVERYTHING you are saying LOL but at the end of the day you walk away with the biggest smile after all the hugs and kisses or a tear in your eye when one of them is begging for you to stay for a bit more... i have learn so much from all 3 and cant wait to start my journey with mine... and yes i dont know how Mr. & Mrs. Youngzalez do it but they do an excellent job! (daisy)

  3. Being a parent is the most time consuming selfless job EVER in life! Kudos to all those Early Educators and Nannies out there who do it for the little ones! Mish, keep up your good work and make sure you talk to the baby and play with her as much as you can! Crema con canela is the BEST!!!!!!!!! Ciao!

  4. @Desi yes we do LOL so get your running shoes ready!
    @Daisy I can't wait for you to start your journey either!! You are going to be an awesome mommy!! Miss you! :)
    @Kelly Agreed! Kudos to them all and I try to keep these kids as engaged as possible (note the Scrabble games LOL)

    Thank you all for continuing to encourage and support!
