Sunday, December 19, 2010

Puerto Rico - Day 6

Church!  Today was church day.  My aunt had a list of them for me to try out in the immediate area, but unfortunately, she’s currently on the other side of the island until tomorrow.  So, I went to the church I visited last time I was here.  It’s pretty convenient because its only a 10 minute drive from my grandmother’s house.  While the church was very nice, and the people are equally as nice, the service itself was pretty uninspiring.  Back in New York I attend New Light Baptist Church.  We don’t have an actual church yet so service is held in the auditorium of a Harlem elementary school.  None of that matters though because the people, the music and the entire service speak to my heart every Sunday.  I look forward to fellowship and I am looking for that same feeling here.  The church by my grandma’s house needs the most help in their music department.  Their song selections, their energy, their instrumental choice, their lack of physical instruments, their lack of choir members…the list goes on.  I’m trying to figure out if this just isn’t the church for me, or if I’m supposed to help this church shuffle in a younger congregation with a new sound and some new ideas.  I think I might have to sit with this for awhile.  In the meantime, I’m supposed to attend church with Mama’s neighbor when I return in January.  We’ll see how that goes. 

I invite Mama to come to church with me every time I go.  She use to go to church every Sunday, with Papa, (my step grandfather) until he passed away about 7 years ago.  I always thought she just didn’t want to go to church anymore because she always had an excuse.  Today, I found out why she really won’t go.  She wants to go to HER church.  Her church is in Mayaguez, which is about 20 minutes away by car.  The problem is no one in her neighborhood goes to that church and she doesn’t drive (Papa use to drive her around everywhere in his Cadillac…he was so cute…I really miss him).  So, when I get back in January, you know I’m taking her to her church right?  Yeah, I’ve got to!

Speaking of Papa, as I was getting dressed this morning, Mama started blasting a Spanish CD.  I decided to turn my music off and listen to what she was listening to.  It was a really beautiful love CD.  When I was done getting dressed, I walked into the kitchen only to find her mopping the floor as happy as a clam.  I tell her (all in Spanish of course) “Mama, that music is nice, who’s the singer?” she responds “I don’t know, Papa gave it to me.  We got into a fight one day and he gave it to me as a gift.”  I almost melted right there. This woman mops her kitchen floor listening to a CD that her love, her ‘Pa’ gave her as a make up gift.  Who knows what type of memories run through her head and her heart when she hears that CD.  Aye, there are no words. 
Papa & Mama
The Papa I grew up with was always so loving, so funny and so smart.  It was not hard to see how much Mama and Papa loved each other and this was just another reminder of how deep true love runs.  When he passed, I was honestly worried about how well she’d do alone and if, like most couples, she would follow soon after.  But, my Mama isn’t going out like that.  Nope, there is still much here for her to do.  Now, I realize that although he’s ‘gone’ she keeps him with her in her own little ways. 
Today, she told me she can’t be sad, there is too much to be thankful for.  She knows that once you start doing that, it’s a one-way ticket a place of sadness and eventually depression.  She has a neighbor that she calls crazy.  This woman, I believe, serves as a reminder of how she doesn’t want to be.  She’s addicted to gambling, spends every penny she has in the casino, and then comes over to Mama’s house to borrow food for her pets, food for herself and Mama’s newspaper.  Every single day, during one of her many visits, she tells us that she’s depressed.  She speaks a little too fast for me so that’s about all I can gather thus far.  I’m sure she has an interesting story, but if you ask Mama, well, she’s just crazy.

Lobster soup!
Today’s Mama/Misha adventure consisted of Walmart (yes, again) and Walgreens.   I just need to make note of something at this time.  The parking lots are overflowing with cars at every store we visit!  Apparently, shopping is the favored pastime here.  I mean, like seriously.  Cars are parked illegally…on yellow lines, double-parked…you name it, they do it.  Mind you, these are mall parking lots just like those in the States.  It is insane how packed every single store we walk into is.  I’m sure there are a few credit card companies that are more than happy right now.

Mofongo de Langosta
After we escaped the madness of the mall, we headed to Mama’s favorite restaurant, Raitos.  The only seafood that Mama eats is lobster.  The only place she truly enjoys the lobster in Puerto Rico is Raitos.  I must admit, it’s pretty damn tasty!  She got what she always gets…lobster soup and I got lobster mofongo (mashed plaintain).  There were HUGE chunks of lobster…and not like three or four…there were several pieces of juicy, tender delicious langosta (lobster) mmmmm.  Anyway, this meal served as an opportunity to confirm at least one thing on my infinite list of questions for her.   Today’s question was: Is my father really named after a postman who delivered him?  Her answer: Yes, hard to believe, but its true.  Apparently, he came early…she was only 7 months pregnant when she went into labor.  She still remembers what he weighed: 7lbs. 1 oz.  Now, to be fair, she was talking a mile a minute so the word for word story I am not yet able to translate, but my dad is without a doubt named after a postman who helped my grandmother when she went into labor.


  1. Wow! Sounds like you're having an awesome time. That lobster looks delish!!

  2. LOL I am and it was SOOOOO good!
